What is a habit?

What is a habit?

The science behind habits:

What is habits? Words like Adiction, Lasy, burnout, relaps will maby fill up your mind. But… Habitwell believe in small changes, consistent changes can lead to the best version of yourself. Whether you are looking to boost your physical health, mental clearly or a balanced lifestyle!

Habits are small building blocks of our daily life, like brushing your teeth or drinking your morning coffee.

Habits have sience behind them, like almost every thing. That we know is that something is called a Habit loop

  • Cue - a trigger that signals the brain to do a behaviour

  • Routine - The action

  • Reward - A positive outcome, making you want to do the behaviour again.

Why does habits matter?

If you continuously keep doing “good habits” and repeated over and over the become lasting changes. As author James Clear puts it in Atomic Habits, "You do not rise to the level of your goals; you fall to the level of your systems." By focusing on habits, you create systems that lead to success. Building habits is not about willpower it is about you taking control and building the best version of yourself.